Monday, January 28, 2019

Procodile Gears 1-28-19

Solicit me bread-stock gravy, you puma-skis. The nuclear trail, inflatable fingers attached to the ghost.  The teacher is sometimes forced to use mirrors.  People who equate intoxication with experiencing the "divine" or for whom the thrill of sexual intercourse is their association of it with "sin."

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Procodile Gears 1-27-19

A Series of Numbered Adventure Novels:
Lump Stagnet's Collected Miscreants

Party Fish in the Worm Roadster.
Noodlesack in the Tarantula Orbit.
I was 15 when I took over the Piss-Slinger Hippo.
To anchor, as the market cannot regulate the sea.
The Disturbing Windfall.
No Robot Bottom.
Blackened Half-Truck.
Demagnetized by Hate.

"Was it worth watching?"

Procodile Gears (late edition) 1-26-19

Printed as Needed from the Sub-Toaster
I wonder if there's anyone whose birth name is Toby Wilde.
Desultory as the Camembert we feed to Mr. Mounting.
A new arrangement of days in the brown batter pulse.
Homemade, hand-drawn 70's typography, 
jeans in the jeep,
all for the Crab Yellow Tube.
Pexus, the horse that flies through space.
George Harrison, lost on some easily-journeyed-to planet,
with only the fifth avatar of Jesus, Pee-Wee Herman, to guide him.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Procodile Gears 1-25-19

The comics artist Roy Tompkins was a big influence on me.  I wrote him a letter once and he not only wrote me back, but he included a little drawing.  It was extremely kind of him.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Procodile Gears 1-24-19

I found this in a book at the library.  It's in French, so I can't read it.  I read German fairly well, but not French.  I was going to take French in high school, but a classmate talked me into changing to Spanish so we could "be together."  Big mistake.  

Procodile Gears 1-23-19

This is issue #22 of Lo-Proc, the last before I changed the name to Procodile.  These little daily posts are called "Procodile Gears" because I see this blog (and everything now, really) as extensions of the magazine.  One day there'll be a Procodile Mansion.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Procodile Gears 1-22-19

 I found this "frequent customer" card in an old book at the library this morning.  It's from a frozen yogurt place here in Athens that the girls at my high school used to go to between the end of the school day and the beginning of cheerleading practice.  It's been out of business for years.  You'll notice that the card was only punched once, then put into a book and forgotten about.  Circa 1987.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Procodile Gears 1-20-19

I saw this little guy in the road in front of Wal-Mart on my way to work one day.  I had to go back for him.  Some child must have dropped him out the window of the family car.  He's a smaller version of the stuffed panda my mother made for me when I was a child.  My panda is stuffed with pantyhose.  He's waving at you.  He's asking, where's my family?  Where's my pantyhose?

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Procodile Gears 1-19-19

This is a photographic slide I found on the side of the road a few years ago.  I wonder who the woman in the picture is.  I wonder how long ago this picture was taken.

This is the other side of the slide. 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Procodile Gears 1-17-19

Die Arbeit geht weiter.

Where are My Damn Pants?

Just before I left work today a co-worker told me that it was her last day--she's quitting to go back to school.  I'll never see her again.  Very strange.  Felt sad.  Social interaction, emotions.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Procodile Gears

Does anyone know what this signifies?  I found it at work.  But don't tell anyone; I could go to federal prison for such a discovery.  Thus, if anyone knows, they can't be told.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Procodile Gears 1-15-18

Here is a page from an issue of my magazine.  I just ate a homemade blueberry muffin.

Mystery Roll Call: Four Hour Face

Pulser Frog handling, the cone of the sea not for these unpleasant, threatening kinfolk, hair like a girl, clogging the drain at the bottom, your big American car, missing cabinet full of medicine wheels, cleanshaven beneficiary in the apprehension of rust.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Procodile Gears 1-14-19

Consciousness must be taken into account when trying to understand why there is (or are) something rather than nothing.

The Prune Juice is Beginning to Work

What if I had two baskets from which to draw each day, one filled with images or totems, the other with words or phrases.  Work my way through the baskets and then start over.  Giant horizontal asparagus.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

"Christian Couples Too Selfish to Have Children"

Jimmy Page is 75 years old today. I wonder how many times I've read Hammer of the Gods. I remember there was this redheaded girl I worked with at Kroger who told me she'd been reading it. I thought she was talking about Lucifer's Hammer the sci-fi novel.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Equivocation of Descent

Let us evaluate movie stars and musical acts based, not on whether we like them, but on whether we think we can trust them.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Fonts of the Stereo Equipment Packaging

Idea for a party game: a team of two people sit with their backs to each other.  Another person claps.  After each clap, the members of the team together say aloud a word.  The object is to see how many claps it takes before the two team members say the same word at the same time.  Obviously, subtle communication is the key to success.  The game can be called something like "Extraverbal Intersection."

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year, New Magazine

This is my "new" magazine, Procodile.  It's a continuation of my previous one, Lo-Proc, keeping the same enumeration of issues.  Basically just a name change, but also allowing me more of a stream-of-consciousness approach.