Sunday, May 28, 2023

Found Photos of German WWII Officers

 The following photographs were found in this book.

The photos are annotated on the front and back. The people mentioned are Major General Wend von Wietersheim, Lt. General Herman Balck, Field Marshal von Manstein, and Gisela Lingenthal, who was married to General Lingenthal and daughter of von Manstein.  There is also someone identified as Molla, of whom I cannot find any information. The photos were taken in the early 1970's.

Found Poem by Ralph Jerome Wright, jr.

 Many years ago I found the following poem written somewhere, I think on the flyleaf of some book.  I've tried to discover who Ralph Jerome Wright, jr. is, but no luck.  I have transcribed it as I wrote it down.  I don't know if this is how it appeared as written.

The train rolls on at

a slow-tune pace.  Passengers

board, dyellabas and veils

bustle off.  I’ve Tangier 

residue in my mouth and a red

cloak to hide in.  Nodding by 

a cold window, the red desert

moon lifts slowly into flight,

an icy crescent arcing

counter to my own direction

with even speed.  Desert

shrubbery, flat expanse–

silent companions sleep.