Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Perfume that Smells Like Dough (TPU,

Tentatively Horizontal

“How Will They Get Along Without Me?”
                Once I began to sleep a little better, I started having intense dreams.  Some were disturbing, like a grassy depression in the earth at one of the poles wherein a heap of circular bones lay.  Others were encouraging, like one in which I put my head in a special bucket full of some restorative fluid.  Someone turned a lever and cranked the stuff around, sending waves of optimism into me.
                Eventually this column will evolve into a more coherent expression.  Either that, or it will become yet another vehicle for my goofy one-page stories.
“Your stories make no sense,” somebody will comment.  I know who this someone is.
I’m sort of in limbo at the moment.  Maybe one more day and I’ll have a really good sleep.  When I woke up today after the head-in-the-bucket dream I got out of bed going, “Wow.  Wow.  Wow,” out loud.  I don’t feel particularly inspired or motivated at the moment, but at least I’m not totally paralyzed by depression.
I’ve been listening to a lot of music during this “convalescence.”  I discovered a Herbie Hancock record in the last 24 hours called “Dedication.”  I’d never heard of it before.  Sometimes you find exactly what you need when you need it.  I think if I’d never taken drugs I wouldn’t feel so out-of-sorts right now.  The similarity between my present state and the feeling when you’re out of some kind of dope is just too much.  It’s creepy.  It’s like being in a strange Laundromat in the middle of the night.
I said in an earlier column that I’ve been listening to Donald Fagen lately.  I wonder how much existential trauma that guy’s been through.  Long before David Letterman went off the air I had stopped watching during to my schedule.  I found a clip of Fagen performing “Weather in My Head” on Letterman.   I couldn’t believe how old Dave looked.  Anyway, Letterman comes up to Fagen after the performance and asks how he is.  After a brief consultation with himself, Fagen replies, “I’m wonderful.”

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