Sunday, November 10, 2024

Comment on my wife's latest blog post

My wife posted the following essay on her blog:

I can't seem to post a comment on the site itself, so I'll post it here:

Kami Rieck says that by denying a man sex a woman runs the "risk of alienating" him.  So, is she saying that the old trope is true that women can get what they want by whipping a little action on men--- that  that's how women get ahead in society?  Isn't that exactly what Kamala was being accused of?  Conversely, if a woman doesn't put out, she's suddenly a ballbuster?                                                                                                                                                  Also, it is silly to say that now we must expand the scope of feminism's definition and its goals to include men's rights and men's advancement in the world.  This is like saying that the ASPCA or PETA should broaden their mission statements to include the search for viable clean energy options or organizing "clean up your community" days.           I like what you wrote about "There is a misguided idea that when one group gains rights then another group loses rights."  This is exactly what I've been thinking about a lot of groups that claim grievance over their perceptions of a changing societal landscape.                                                                                                                                  One more thing:  It irritates me that SEX is so dominant in people's minds that we can't see a man and a woman depicted in any film or TV show without the specter of SEX looming over their relationship like the giant magnet at the scrapyard.  When Harry Met Sally would actually have been a much better and truer film if they never slept together, or, if they did, it didn't lead them inevitably to falling in love or getting married.  What if a man and a woman were actually just friends?  

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