Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Friday, January 24, 2025
"The GOP proposed that President Trump be given the new executive position of Dictator perpetuo, a title once held by Julius Caesar. This position, granted with the consent of the Republican-controlled Senate, will allow Trump the authority needed to bring the United States back to preeminence in world affairs by rewriting the Constitution at will and abolishing regulations that only serve an ideological bias. The position of Dictator perpetuo will come, as it did in ancient Roman times, with divine honors, as well as an apotheosis as Divus Iulius, a complex of honors aimed at eternity and divinity. Without exception, leading Republican lawmakers and right-leaning members of the judiciary have praised the proposition as the only way forward in a world swamped with sin and degradation. When asked for an example of the possible benefit of the proposed change to the American system of government, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) mentioned the possibility of mandating that employees accept TrumpCoin as wages instead of the US dollar. "We all know that the dollar has become devalued and corrupted because the Jew George Soros has infiltrated the Treasury with his network of hook-nosed spies," Rep. Greene said in a lengthy harangue to the press Thursday." ---Washington Post
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Racket, Gibberish, and Slop
The racket is the music/noise
like saxophones in hell.
The gibberish is literature
that doesn't ring a bell.
The slop is graphic art that
takes its cue from the unwell.
These are my aesthetic leanings.
Not that you can tell.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
I'm through with meditation.
I'm done meditating. I mean it this time. I'm sick of it. I've been meditating regularly for over 7 years now and I haven't seen any "changes" in my life. I haven't become a better person. I haven't become more easy-going or less angry. I don't see the point of wasting any more time on this. I've tried dozens of methods and approaches. Something will work and I think, "Alright! I've finally got it! I've got something that works!" And then after a day or two I'm right back where I was. I don't see the point in continuing to meditate if there's not some benefit to it. I feel awful about 80% of my waking life. Meditation was supposed to help with that. You see all these celebrities hailing meditation and claiming what a wonderful difference it has made in their lives, but I don't see shit.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
The Lampclouding Universe
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
New Year, Renewed Focus and Resolve
This is important: I know you want to do a “masterpiece,” and you’ve been influenced lately by the Norman Rockwell version of a “masterpiece,” and that you’ll be influenced by somebody else in the future, but ultimately, your path lies through the land of illustration, comics, commercial art, and children’s books. You mustn’t get depressed and out-of-sorts because you’re not living up to some other ideal. I know you’re a little upset at the initial phase of this first work you’ve started for the new year, but, believe me, it can work and it will work. Anything can work. Be true to this vision of your work. It will be OK.